Monday, March 30, 2009


Well, this weekend has been a bit, well, different. There is no other way to describe it. Friday, I took Kamryn to the Dr, and picked up her prescription and started her on it. Addison went to spend the night with Mimi and Papa. It was just The babe and The Bub. We had a decent time. Addison and Logan are so close in age, that they play well together, and fight with each other. It was nice to have a break from the fighting. Well, Kamryn decided she didn't want to sleep AT ALL. So, at 7am, I put her in bed and shut the door (not to be mean, but just so I could get a little nap) went in my bedroom and shut the door and turned off the baby monitor. I got about 2 hours of sleep. Then, I looked out the window and see the massive snowflakes. That is pretty much how we spent Saturday. After JD got home from working, he took Logan to get a hair cut. We just spent time relaxing. Then, comes Sunday. Sunday School was cancelled, so we ended up not going to church. JD had to work, so he left around noonish. Well, Kamryn still wasn't feeling or sounding good. So I called our insurance nurse line. I didn't want to bother our pediatrician, although he is always as pleasant as can be after hours. Well, I told the nurse everything that was going on. She gave me a few symptoms to look for and said if these happen, to call 911. Well, some of those were happening, but Kamryn was still being pretty pleasant, especially for only eating once all day and not sleeping. She ate about 3 oz around 10, and this was around 1. Well, the nurse said to call the pediatrician. I call the answering service and they paged him. He called back in about 10 minutes and I told him what was going on and he said "Ok, well, you need to take her in. If the antibiotic (which is one of the strongest ones you can get) isn't working, she probably needs to be hospitalized." I asked if Urgent care was fine, he said yes. Well, I am upset by this point, and I get off the phone with him. I rush around to get a little makeup on my face and get all 3 kiddos dressed and ready to go. I had to go pick up JD and drop the kids off. Well, to make a long story short. We took her to BA Urgent care. They did an RSV test and a chest xray. If your baby has never had a chest xray, consider yourself lucky. It was very traumatizing, for me and Kamryn. Well, the tests came back, RSV was negative and the chest xray showed fluid in her right lung. He changed her prescription and sent us on our way. Well, I am still concerned today as Kamryn slept until after 9 this morning. I had to go wake her up, and it is 10:42 and she hasn't eaten anything. She hasn't eaten in over 15 hours. Her chest sinks in when she breathes and she is salivating excessively. I have a call in to the dr, so we will see how that goes. I realize now, that my title doesn't quite fit the description of this blog, so I guess I will put plenty of pictures of the kids up. Here ya go!!!
The kids after church.

Watching a 3-D movie with Papa

At the new house riding her stick horse.
Kamryn before she got so sick.
Kamryn swinging at the new house.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Barbies, Lungs, and Rain. Oh My!

Well, this week has been nonstop chaos. So, I dug out my old Barbies and let the kids play with them. Yes, Logan too. He did dress one Skipper doll, and then he found Todd, Ken's little brother and would not put him down. It was pretty funny to listen to Logan try to disguise his voice to a boy. He would speak in a "deep" voice and say, "I'm a Yiwwol boy." Yiwwol= Little. He has a little baby voice still. It is absolutely adorable. Anyways, Addison and Logan have had a blast. I also played, probably a little too much, but it was fun playing Barbies with my little girl.

Onto the lungs: Not mine, Kamryns. For the last week and a half or so, since Kamryn has had this nasty cough, I could swear that it was in her lungs. After numerous rants, JD would listen to her with his stethoscope, and say she sounded fine. Well, I woke up the other morning with her coughing stuff up. I called the Dr's office yesterday and they never called me back. So, this morning at 8:30 I called them back and they called me at 9:15 and said I needed to bring her in. I rushed around and got all the kids dressed and piled them in the car. Well, about that time, it starts pouring down. Have I mentioned I HATE driving? Well, Me + Driving + Rain = PANIC ATTACK. Yes, I am praying constantly "Just let us get there safely and in one piece." Well, the rain slacked up and my panicing eased. So, I get off the BA at Utica and there are 3 lanes, a left turn lane, a left turn/go straight lane, and a right turn lane. I am in the left turn/go straight lane so I could turn on Utica and go up to the drs office. Well, there is a car next to me, no big deal. My light turns green, I start going and then start turning, and what do I see? The HUGE SUV next to me (In the left turn only lane) trying to go straight. So, I put on my brakes and they look at me and pass like it is no big deal. I had a minor heart attack. (This was my driving experience today) Well, back to Kamryn's lungs. We go to the dr and he said she had fluid in her right ear, but it was nothing compared to her lungs. He gave us a prescription and said she should start getting better.

Well, last night I was reading Addison her bible and then we were working on her memory verse and she said it perfectly, So, I asked her where it was found (Matthew 17:20) was the answer I was looking for, and she said "I don't know" Then I said, "What book is it in?" Her answer "Mom, it's in the Bible." I guess I should have expected no less from her. I laughed for a while. And then we went in the bedroom to go to bed and I was praying with Addison and her prayer:

"Dear God, Help us to remember you, and everything that you did and everything that you do. And God, help us to remember Jesus and everything he did. And God, Help us to be good.....AND GOD, help us to be able to play with Barbies all of the days. Amen"

Oh it was so cute. Anyways, Mom is here, I have to run errands. This is it for now. Enjoy..Oh, no picture right now, I don't have time =) I will post one later.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Complete Randomness....

Well, the title says it all! That is what this will be about. Anything, and Everything.

Sunday, we had Logan's little birthday party. It was just Mimi, Papa, Aunt Becca, and us. It was nice. Logan ran in the house and immediately wanted cake. We made him eat first. He did great blowing out his candles. Only half of the cake got splattered with spit! I don't mind eating something after my child has gotten a bit of spit on it. Sounds gross? Well, he lived off of my nutrients for 9 months and then "expelled" himself from me in a very inconvenient way. (I saw inconvenient, because, who REALLY wants to be laying down on a hard bed, feet in stirrups and exposed for the world to see? If he can have an entry into the world like that, I think I can eat a little bit of "spit" cake. It was cookie cake. It was GREAT. He opened presents and loved every one of them. His 2 favorites are his robot from Aunt Becca and Uncle Derek, and his farm set from Mimi and Papa.

I thought back on it, and we have had someone sick for the past 6 weeks in our house. Crazy, huh? Well, Kamryn and Logan had their routine checkups this week. They are both growing. Logan, little by little, Kamryn ALOT. She is in the 50th percentile for everything. She is our biggest FAR. Logan, is in the 5th percentile. He has only grown 1 inch in height and 2 lbs in weight in the past YEAR. Kamryn, has slowed down a bit. She is 17 almost 18 lbs at 9 months. Logan is 24 lbs at 3 years. Ridiculous.

I had one of those "What was I thinking" moments the other night. I was in bed, my husband was reading, and I wasn't in a reading mood, and he wouldn't let me watch TV because I am hooked on "Beverly Hills 90210" right now. The OLD SCHOOL episodes from 1990. So, I got out my senior book and started looking through it. Most of the memories made me laugh and smile. I had a great time in high school...despite the bickering. Then, I got to this picture...of an ex-boyfriend. I'm not going to name names...a small bit to protect this persons identity, and a HUGE part because I'm completely mortified I ever dated this person. We dated my Junior year in high school. I actually didn't like him the first few times I was around him, but then he kinda grew on me. He was definitely not a "looker" but he had a decent (?) personality. We dated for 5 months. I looked at this picture of this guy, and immediately shoved it back into the book, which made my husband grab it. He laughed at me. I understood why. "What was I thinking?" I have changed sooo much since my high school days. It has been 8 years since I graduated. Those were some fun times. I really enjoyed some of the comments left in my book, and then realized that some of those people have changed alot, and some are no different than they were 8 years ago. Some...are in jail.

Well, onto Wednesday night. Church was awesome. Addison's teacher bragged on her and how well behaved she was and how great she was doing with her memory work. It made Mama proud. Our class is still "The Truth Project" dvd series. Last night, was pretty much about governmet. I learned ALOT that I didn't know. I kinda knew that the basis of the government back in the day was God. He was the foundation on which the government was built. The don't teach that in school. Just to see how much the government has strayed from its original position is remarkable. I also learned that the study of law was based on God and faith in God. Then. Charles Eliot was appointed the President of Harvard University and he appointed Christopher Columbus Langdell as the Head of Law and Law was changed forever. It was no longer based on faith in God and God, but was now based on Charles Darwin and Evolution. Langdell said that law evolves as people do, and WE (the people) have the right to say what is right and wrong. It is baffling to think our country was so stable and grounded way back in the day. Now, our country is falling apart and people have lost sight of their faith. It was said in our discussion that if it took only 1 man to change the history of law, then can it take only 1 man to change the direction of our country and get our foundation on faith back? Interesting, huh? The original charters and constitutions state an Acknowledgement of God's authority and recognition that the state was subject to and accountable to God. WOW!!! I personally think that our current leaders and others who have contributed to the country's downfall, should be held accountable for straying from the original statements written down way back in the day. Just my little rant and rave for the day.

Well, to go back to the beginning of this post, I thought we were all well. Kamryn has had a little cough since she had her throat infection. Well, I have come to realize that my kids always get a cough after they have an infection. I got Kamryn out of bed today to see her face covered in green snot. Then, she coughed...and out of her mouth came green mucus...YUM! I have a call in to the dr, but haven't heard anything yet. So, since I am still WAY behind on housework, I have to get off of here and do my chores. Anyways...gotta find a good picture to put on here.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Overprotective, or just cautious??

Well, I was at my in-laws last Sunday, still recovering from the flu. If you can't remember, the weather was GORGEOUS. Addison and Logan had a blast playing outside. Kamryn enjoyed playing in the playpen on the porch. Well, in the backyard the kids have a playset. It is one of the big wooden ones with the swings, and a little playhouse up top and a slide. I don't mind my kids playing outside and having a good time, as long as it is a SAFE good time. I guess I am just paranoid that one of my kids are going to completely forget that they aren't on the ground and try to walk off of the ladder...or something like that. I could barely watch them enjoying themselves. I "joked" that Papa needed to drywall around the playhouse and put in some doors, one where the ladder is, and one where the slide is, that way, they don't fall out of it. Well, I was joking...but I wasn't. I used to work at a hospital and I know when I came to work at 6:30 in the morning, people would still be sitting in the ER from the day before, or when 3:30 PM rolled around, they would still be there. I don't want to sit in the ER all day with my kid. I just want my kids to have no broken bones...I'm also not the kind of mom that calls the dr for every little thing. Maybe I did when I was a new mom and we just had Addison. Now that we are on baby number 3, we kinda know when to call and when not to call. For instance, Kamryn had a runny nose, we didn't call. It got worse, and added a cough, we didn't call. She started running a fever, not sleeping, had the runny/stuffy nose, cough, and wouldn't eat...we called..she needed antibiotics. Logan, had a fever of 101...we didn't call. We alternated tylenol and got better. The fever spiked at 103 and wouldn't go away with treatment, we called...he had a double ear infection. I think I know my kids well enough to know when something is a problem and when it isn't. However, I still have a fear that my kids are going to break their head...or something like that. Well, the dreaded happened. Logan was on the ladder of the playhouse, on the 3rd step...and...HE me, it was like falling 375983 feet. I screamed. Everyone looked at me, I yelled at the husband who was sleeping in the playhouse. He looked and I told him Logan fell. JD FLEW down the slide and looked at him, saw that he was fine. Gave me one of "those" looks...and went back to sleep. I was scared. I didn't want Logan to break something, Logan is a tough guy. He doesn't cry much with shots. Anyways, am I just being cautious, or am I being over protective? I don't know. Does it really matter. My kids still have fun, it is just safe fun. Is it not? Anyways. Today is lazy Saturday...Just hanging around the house while the husband is working.
Kamryn sitting in the Barbie Jeep..

Friday, March 20, 2009


Asleep at dinner time.

Well, one thing I absolutely HATE is driving. I think I am a good driver. I usually never go over the speed limit. I used to, but since I have kids, I try to be as careful as possible. I usually stay in one lane, unless the car in front of me is super slow, or I have to merge, or something. Today, my husband forgot his lunch. When he does take his lunch, he usually forgets it. Go figure. I got this nice phone call from said husband and this is the conversation.

Husband: "Go walk out into the garage"
Me: "Is my new car out there?"
Husband: "You figured it out..."
I walk into the garage and turn on the light.
Me: "Ok, I'm in the garage."
Husband:"Ok, now walk over to the trashcan."
Me: "Ok, I'm at the trashcan."
Husband: "Now, look by the gas can, please pick up my lunch and put it in the fridge."
Me: "Ok..."
Husband: "I actually remembered to take my lunch out of the fridge today, but left it in the garage. Do you want to bring it to me?"

Ok, so it's not word for word what was said, but it was along those lines. I agreed to take him his lunch because I had other errands to run. I head over to the eye dr to pick up my contacts and they were already closed for lunch. I go ahead down Elm and get on the BA. Let's start right there with the driving. BA streets are...let's just say, not normal. They zig, they zag, and curve, in any random place. I am getting on the BA, so once you get past 71st, the lane turns into a turn lane and 3 straight lanes, and then the 3rd straight lane turns into the turn lane to get on the BA. I know this and have since it has been that way. As soon as I can get over, I do, and then I stay in the same lane. It irks me sooo bad when someone doesn't get over when they can, and proceed to speed up and try to get in front of everyone that is trying to get on the highway. Just drive the right way, and you get on, no problems. Well, I assumed this trip over to dear husbands work would be just like normal. Boy, was I wrong. It all started after I got on I-44. Around Yale, the traffic started getting heavy, and it was oh, 12:05..No big deal. I get over in the "fast" lane because I HATE the oncoming cars trying to merge, and then they slow down to a complete stop...Well, here I am...Semi in front of me, and semi behind me...TRAFFIC...not just slow going, but bumper to bumper, not going more than 5 MPH. I actually have time to get on the internet on my phone. I don't do that while I am driving, but when you are at a standstill, what else can you do? Well, around the Harvard exit, I call my husband and tell him it will be a while. That was around, oh, 12:17..yes, 12 minutes to go from Yale to Harvard. This is where I realized I have a fear of being on a bridge/overpass, and it crumbling underneath me. I had a semi in front, one behind, and one next to me. It was not comforting. Well, We are still slow going...I assumed it was all slow because of the construction around Riverside. That was part of it, the other part, was right after Riverside, right when you are getting onto the bridge, and there was a wreck. I thought it would be a big wreck because we were down to one lane and still, going slow, no, it was a run of the mill rear-ending. WHAT!!?!?? It took that long to get from BA-Tulsa for a wreck...Crazy. Finally at 12:38. I was leaving the husband's work. Yes, 33 minutes to get from Yale to just past Riverside..So I turn around and head home, having a few other errands to run. I made it home from EVERYthing in the time it took to go from YALE to RIVERSIDE. It drives me up the wall. I try not to have to go anywhere because I don't like to drive. I don't trust other drivers. I know I try to be as safe as can be, but they don't. They don't care who they cut off or what not just to get someplace 5 seconds faster. It bugs me..Anyways...enough of that.

Logan is getting better. His fever got up to 103 for 2 days and then we went to the dr and it turns out he has a double ear infection. He is on antibiotics and is getting better. Then, Addison woke up with a bloody nose this morning. It finally stopped and she is fine. I have had enough sickness to last for the next 10 years. I am still behind on my housework. I am trying to catch up, but look at me, on here, blogging. Oh well, I will have time later to do it. Let me leave you with a picture though...

The birthday boy....we didn't have any candles...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We just can't catch a break...

Well, yesterday was Logan's birthday. He is the big 3!!! I can't believe it! We had a good day, more to come on that. However, we just can't catch a break on the sickness front. I am sooo much better, now Logan is running a fever of 101! Hopefully I will get all caught up with everything that has been pending since I got sick and I will be able to post later. Until then, bear with me...I have a sick kiddo and 2 semi healthy kiddos. It takes alot of work to keep them separate and still have fun. Later...

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Verdict....

Well, I ended up going to Urgent Care yesterday...JD came home and watched the kids so I could go. Well, I'm not particularly fond of the Dr I saw, however he gave me my diagnosis.. I have the flu. It is one of the strains that wasn't covered by the flu shot, and apparently it is antibiotic resistant. All I can do is take tylenol and try to rest. It isn't fun being that sick with 3 kiddos running around. Anyways, probably won't blog for a while. At least until I am feeling better and can get around to doing my housework.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Here goes...

Well....It's official. I have "The Crud." I don't know what else to call it. I have a runny/stuffy nose, headache, fever, aches, sore throat, drainage...etc. It SUCKS!!!! However, I am able to do all of my household duties, although it is taking a bit longer than usual. My nose is raw from blowing and wiping it. I can't stop coughing. I am miserable. I just got done with the kitchen. It is all clean after being let go for the past few days. I hate just letting things go, although I love it at the time, I hate it afterwards. I have been doing laundry for the past 2 days. I hate having to do things when I am sick. I miss the days when I got to stay home from school and be pampered...get my soup brought to me, covers, got to watch whatever on tv..and usually got a little something special (new coloring book and crayons.) Boy, those were the days. Now, its take care of everything while being sick. I don't really have time to take care of myself. I don't like that. Well, that is enough complaining about being sick. I can't really change it, I just have to deal with it.

Anyways...Church last night was simply amazing. I don't fully comprehend everything that is taught to me, I guess because it is so overwhelming. The thing that really stood out to me was after the video was over, our pastor said "When you have The Holy Spirit in you and you put your hands on someone to pray, God's hands are touching that person. You don't just have a part of Him in you, it is all of Him. Infinity." I have never looked at salvation and prayer quite in that concept. I was never taught to lay your hands on someone to pray. I was baptist, we never did that. If you have ever had someone lay their hands on you and pray over you, the feeling is out of this world. It is almost like you are sitting on the Lord's lap and He is telling you that everything will be okay and not to worry. I am constantly reminded of God's grace and mercy. In my old church, I remember that we did communion every 6 months or so, and our pastor would say "If you are not right with God, or with others, you should not take communion." I always thought there was something wrong with that saying, and I remember hardly ever taking communion because there was rarely a time when I was fighting with others or I had sinned and not asked forgiveness. I always thought.."No one should take communion because no one can be right with God and everyone else all the time" Now, Having changed denominations, no longer a baptist, I am seeing my relationship with God open up and blossom, and I am starting to understand things that I have never understood before. Our pastor says before communion (every Sunday) "You don't have to be right with God to take communion, you take communion to make things right with God." How wonderful that is, to be given the opportunity to take the Lord's Supper and pray at the altar with everyone, other than watching a few people go down to the altar to make things right, while everyone else pretends that things are right. Another thing that was brought to my attention was when you do things (give, pray, lead) in the name of the Lord and do it and get recognized, that recognition is your ultimate gift. Yes, God cares what you do in his name and it is welcome and needed, but when you do things not for recognition, your ultimate gift awaits in Heaven. Anyways, last nights lesson was an eye opener and it just made me realize how much I am blessed to be given a church family that cares so much and is there with open arms and is ready to welcome anyone. I thought for a while that I would never go to church again after being treated terribly at my old church. I'm not saying it was everyone else's fault and not mine, I played a part as well. After I made some mistakes, I was never welcomed back with open arms, I was shunned. So, I made excuses for years not to go to church. God is still here with open arms and so is my new church. I have found my place and am so excited to be in this new journey of my life and in my walk with God.

Well, laundry needs to be switched out, it is time for me to go finish cleaning...while sick...bleh.
Attack of the Giant Baby!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Oh Goodness...

Well, where do I begin? I thought this neverending sickness was winding down. Boy, was I wrong! Last week, Kamryn started getting a runny nose, no big deal. Then, the nose got stuffy. Again, no big deal. THEN, she got a cough. Here I was thinking, no big deal. Then, it sounded like she was coughing up a lung...BIG DEAL.... I called the pediatrician's office and left a message for the nurse. She called back within 30 minutes, which is a little unusual. I told her what was going on and she said "Well, it sounds like it could be RSV or Bronchitis, so you need to bring her in, she probably needs antibiotics and breathing treatments." I made an appointment, and immediately started panicking. I called the husband and he said he would meet me at the dr's office. We saw Dr Daley and he looked in her ears "Perfect!" Then, he got to her throat..(dum dum dummmmmm) "That is not a good looking throat" He swabbed her throat, and came back and said it wasn't strep!!! Yay!! It is just a normal, run of the mill throat infection. He gave us a prescription for antibiotics and sent us on our way. Thank goodness it wasn't anything more than that!! We went to Reasor's and got the rx. I love Reasor's for their antibiotics....because they are FREE!!! She is slowly getting better, she still has a pretty nasty cough, but the fever is getting better and so is the nose!

Now, on to the husband. He has had some allergy/sinus/respiratory thing going on the past month. He gets so sick where he can barely function, and then gets better. Well, he is on the part of the sickness where he can barely function. His dr at work gave him an antibiotic today, so hopefully he starts getting better soon.

I am doing fine. No sicknesses, the other kiddos just have runny/stuffy noses. No biggie!

Umm...What else to write about? Well, Lent is going on. I decided to give up a few things this year. I decided to give up red meat..which is more difficult than I thought. It seems like everything I crave has red meat, so therefore, my diet has been oreo's and milk...I know it isn't healthy, but it is the one thing I crave that isn't red meat. I also gave up shopping. That is also difficult. That means I can't stop by the store and pick up what we need. It sucks, but I am on my 3rd? week and still going strong. Yesterday I took out the Pork Riblets from the freezer and decided to cook them. Anyone that knows me KNOWS that I am not a good cook. I found a simple slow cooker recipe and decided to try it out. It cooked for 3-4 hours and I went to check on it....and SUCCESS!!! The meat was falling off the bones, it was tender and oh so tasty! I was shocked. Anyways...That is really all I have to write about now, I have errands (NOT SHOPPING) to run soon and need to get ready for! Enjoy the pic of my new haircut!!

not a great picture...but I got 5 1/2 inches cut is now shoulder length

Monday, March 2, 2009

This Last Month

Well, this past month has been RIDICULOUS!!!! I am glad it is over and ready for this new month...kinda. We have all been sick, off and on. And now, I am the only one who is sick. Go figure. Last week, JD was sick...OH MY GOSH..Taking care of a sick husband is worse than taking care of a sick kid. However, I did all I could physically do. Yesterday, I was bed-ridden with a TERRIBLE headache!!! I don't know why I am getting bad headaches like this. So, little Miss Kamryn stayed home from church with me, while Daddy took the other 2 kiddos. Well, first off, Kamryn woke up at 6AM!!! Not the normal 7:30ish...I let her stay in bed and play until I knew it was time to get her up. Since she was awake at 6, that threw her schedule off...WAY off...She took her first nap at......drumroll please.....8:30. She usually takes a nap at 10:15, she woke up at...10:15...Crazy, she went down for her 2nd nap at 1 instead of 2:30...and woke up at 3 instead of 4ish...she went to bed last night at 7. You will never guess what time she was up today.....6AM...AGAIN. I held out as long as I could before putting her down for a nap because I can't take the messed up schedule. She can...I can't! Anyways, I am hoping this sickness goes away soon. I still have to clean, and take care of a husband and kids when I am sick. Sometimes I think it isn't fair that when everyone else is sick, they get pampered and taken care of...but still has to do EVERYTHING. Which in the end, is okay with me, because I like things done my way, but at the time when I am feeling horrible, I don't like it...But my husband did buy me a present and that made me feel loads better. Now, today I am having to play catch up on everything I didn't get done yesterday. That is really all the new news for now. Not much has happend these last few weeks in our house. Anyways, hopefully after we are all caught up, things will get more interesting. So, with that being said...I'll go...and new pictures...