To say I am frustrated is an understatement. I'm so glad that I have my husband to bring me down and helps me stay grounded. He is definitely nothing short of amazing! My frustration is with parents. Yes, I am a parent. Yes, I'm guilty of failing sometimes. I'm just appalled at how some parents treat their children. I'm know that we, as parents, don't always do the right things. I am PAINFULLY aware of that. I just don't understand how a parent that has 2 or more children can look at one child and be ecstatic at how happy that child is and look at their other children and brush them off like they don't even exist because they don't agree with that child's decisions.
I had a whole rant typed up and then decided to delete it. I'm sure that no one really cares to hear my opinion, and that's okay. I know everyone doesn't agree with me. My biggest question is, "Is it okay to acknowledge one child because of their happiness, but completely disregard another child when they are equally or even more happy?"
Anyways, I have a ton of homework to do, and even more packing and laundry and cleaning...I'm sure blogging isn't the best use of my time right now =)