Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oh, What a day!

Well, today just stinks...The husband left around noon to go out of town to work. I sure do miss him when he isn't here. As much as he just lays around on the couch, you wouldn't think I would notice he was gone, but I really do notice because my work around the house doubles. I know he will be back tomorrow night, but I just miss him like crazy already!

Everything is going great. My headaches are, for the most part, gone!!

Not really anything new to say, except that I am getting really REALLY irritated. I could care less if these people know who they are or not, but seriously GROW UP.

Anyways, with all of that aside, it is time to get Kamryn out of bed, and fix some dinner (Yay for frozen pizzas!) and get the kids in bed...I am about ready to collapse!

So, with that being said...bye...maybe I can find something interesting to post soon...

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