Thursday, February 12, 2009

Same ol' stuff...

Well, not much new has happened. Church last night was wonderful! We are on "Science: What is the truth?" or something like that. It was so refreshing to be given proof that evolution is not real. I have always believed this, there was never any doubt in my mind that God was the Creator of all. The guy that is leading this study (On the DVD) said "IF the Cosmos..or evolution is real, then it either has to have a beginning point, or it has always been here. If either of these statements is explored and tested, BOTH theories lead back to God." That is the one thing that is never told to students in biology class. Another thing that had a tremendous impact on me was said at the beginning of the video. "You have to go out of your was to deny God's handiwork." It was also discussed, that EVERYTHING has a design. SOMEONE designed it. With evolution, it is believed that things appeared out of nowhere and there is no design. I just cannot believe that. I know everything has a design, and whoever designed it, was created by GOD. Everything comes from him. It was proven, in class, that ALL EVIDENCE SUPPORTS THE TRUTH OF GOD!!!! How wonderful is that??

Well, that was our class last night. It was amazing. This week has been a great week for us, and we are starting out next week with some wonderful things going on. The husband is getting baptized this Sunday at church. We are also dedicating the kids. With our oldest 2 kids, we didn't have a church home and had only gone a few times, but since having Kamryn, we decided that we wanted to raise all of our kids in church. We now have a WONDERFUL church home and are so excited about dedicating our kiddos Sunday.

So cute...Addison has her Wednesday night class "Bible Blast" and we read her the bible everynight...her bible. After that, we read her questions that she has to answer in class, and then we read this devotional book. When we tuck them in bed, I always pray with them. Well, the other night, I asked Addison to pray. Here is what the prayer said...the short version

"Dear God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for my mommy and daddy and Logan and
Kamryn. And God, Please help me and Logan to do good all of the days.
And God, please help mommy and daddy to not yell at us. And God, Can
You please bring me the kitty I saw in Walmart. And God, will you have it
at my house when I wake up in the morning? And God....(this went on for about 5 min.)
And, God, Can you say hi to Grandpa Simmons?
(Mommy, does Grandpa Simmons live on the ground, or does he live with God? He lives with God)
Ok, And God, can you say Hi to Grandpa Simmons for us, and keep him safe?
In Jesus Name, Amen"

"Mommy, after you go to bed, can I keep praying"

Of course I told her yes, and I also explained to her that God is NOT like Santa Claus, he does not bring presents to our house. It was just the cutest little prayer I have ever heard! Anyways, That is about it for today...I think. I need to go do some laundry!

1 comment:

Lora said...

I think that prayer was the sweetest thing I've ever heard!