Monday, June 1, 2009


Well, this will be short, probably not sweet, and to the point. I have more errands to run. It isn't fun. (boy, that rhymes!) I'm not a happy camper. I haven't told anyone why yet. Does it matter?


Does anyone care?


Do I really care?


I had this little thing all written out and decided not to post it. It isn't the worlds business. It is mine. And, I really could care less how much more effort I put forth. I'm done.

Now, It's back to running errands. Oh, By the way, yesterday, our sermon was about being content in every situation. Well, guess what, I'm content in this crazy twisted situation. Because why? I don't care anymore. I'm content with my life how it is. I know there will be circumstances that will come in and mess up this life I have right now, and that's okay. That is part of being content about my life. I can handle it. Anyways, more on the sermon later when I have time.

See ya!

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