Wednesday, July 29, 2009


While every person HAS to tolerate something on a daily basis. I believe I have met my tolerance quota for the rest of my life! Here in the last month or so, I believe I have been very tolerant to some things that have gone on. While I'm not here to point fingers or name names (is that the same thing?) I just want to prove a point.

I have some HUGE pet peeves of mine. Most of them, I can do nothing about, except to some degree, tolerate it, and then complain about it =)

1. Disrespectful people. While I am sure I have been disrespectful at some times, I believe that I tolerate this one way to much. I usually just let what is said roll off my back and I ignore it. However, when someone is just straight up disrespectful to my children, or to me about my children, I can no longer tolerate it anymore. If I feel like I have been disrespectful, I apologize for it. I know I have been disrespectful when I feel guilty about it. So, yeah, I'm not saying I have never been disrespectful, but when I am, I apologize. If you want to be disrespectful to me, then leave me alone...and get out of my life.

2. People who say one thing and do another, especially when it is to cover their rear end. I try to be the person who is true to my word. If I'm not, that makes me a liar, and I don't like that. I don't want to be a liar and completely have someone put all of their trust in me, just to have me let them down. which brings me to...

3. People who let others down on a daily basis. I have had my share of this in my lifetime. Whether it be friends or family. I am the type of person that when I am told something, I get all excited and pepped up, and usually I am the one being let down. It doesn't feel good.

3. Driving. Yes, I dislike driving. I think it is that everyone thinks they are the only person on the road and the only thing that matters is that they get to their destination as fast as possible, with complete disregard for anyone else. It is for this reason I usually only drive to church, and the store.

4. People proving me wrong, on a daily basis. This one isn't so much of a pet peeve as it is an annoyance. My husband is the best at this. However, when he does prove me wrong, I usually deserve to be made fun of and we usually have a good laugh. But seriously, who likes being proved wrong?

5. Talking to someone on the phone, and in the middle of your conversation they just start talking to someone else without saying "hold on a minute." enough said...

6. Not having any privacy what so ever. I know this is a price you have to pay when it comes to having kids, but seriously, I would like to change my clothes every once in a while without someone walking in and trying to talk to me.

7. Being told something so completely ridiculous about myself, that I just have to say "What???" I mean, seriously...why on earth would anyone tell someone else, "Oh, by the way, you are rude, you are an inconvenience, you are unappreciative, you are stupid." I'm not saying all of these things have been said about me, but seriously, When I look back at myself, I don't see myself as being rude. When I am spoken to, I speak back, just because it isn't exactly what you want to hear, doesn't mean that I am being rude. Or when I ask a question and someone says "Well, that's stupid." Seriously, I only ask because I honestly don't know, I just want an answer. I was raised in Sperry, there is a lot I don't know.

8. Being told how to live my life. I may ask for advice, that doesn't mean I am going to take it, but I do take it into consideration. I believe that my life is just that, MY LIFE. I don't think anyone should be able to tell me, "You need to live here, you don't need to have any more kids, you need to do this or that." Honestly, maybe you need to be telling yourself that stuff. I decide what is going to happen in my life (Well, with God's help) I discuss things with my husband, we make a decision based on what we want.

9. Being asked for advice and then being told that I need to just let you live your life how you want to. Come on, if you want to live your life how you want to, then don't ask for advice if you are just going to complain about it. enough said....

10. Not being able to do what I want when I want without fear of being judged. I know that I shouldn't feel this way, and that I shouldn't care what others think. But in our current situation, it is a feeling that isn't going away anytime soon. I hate feeling so uncomfortable. I wish I could go back to the days where I could walk out of my front door or in my front door, for that matter, without being judged. I want to be able to sit around and do nothing or be able to go and do something without being judged on it. But, as I know this isn't happening anytime soon, I guess I just have to suck it up and continue feeling uncomfortable.

Anyways, I do have way more pet peeves than this, but these are the ones that are bugging me alot today. I really just felt like I needed to vent on those things, as I realize the only person I can really "talk" to about this stuff is my husband, and he has heard it enough. I'm sure right now I am one of his pet peeves, but he doesn't make me feel that way. He listens (most of the time) and gives me advice, and I really try to take his advice, but it is hard for me, and it isn't my nature to be so laid back about EVERYTHING. I absolutely love my husband with all my heart, and he means everything to me. Just my little rant for today, I am going to try to get on with the rest of my day without letting any of these things bother me (Wish me luck!) We have an exciting weekend ahead, as well as an exciting next week. Lots of stuff happening! I can't wait!!!

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