What a title to a post. Diapers. What does that have to do with anything? Well, I have discovered a new favorite diaper. With only 1 left in diapers, it is a little too late, but oh well. Usually I use the Babies r us brand Especially for Baby...They are very durable and don't leak. A big plus, they are soo inexpensive. Well, a sweet lady at church on Sunday brought me a coupon for the Target brand diapers, so we got some. I think they are very comparable to the Especially for Baby brand. I have not had any problems with them at all. I found a few stray Pampers around the house and used those a few days, and I will never do that again. Kamryn woke up every day, soaking wet with the gel falling out of the diaper. Not fun. So, Babies r us or Target? Target is closer, I will probably stick with those until Kamryn is potty trained..which will most likely be a while, because, face it..Kids these days are rarely potty trained by age 2. Anyways...that's it on diapers.
Life right now is wonderful. I love my husband dearly. He amazes me every day! Oh yeah, he irritates me every day too. Who's husband doesn't irritate them? It isn't anything "bad" that he is doing. He just knows how to push my buttons, and so he does it...CONSTANTLY! He knows I don't get mad, I just get flustered. Gotta love that about him!
Addison just turned 5! I can't believe it! I remember everything about my pregnancy with her, and my labor. It was kinda fun going back and thinking about that again. She is loving school.
Logan is just Logan. He is on a movie frenzy here lately. He started out watching Cars 3 times a day, then he moved on to Happy Feet. Now, he is on a Kung Fu Panda fit. Gotta love him.
Kamryn, is my difficult child right now. I think she is teething. She is incredibly fussy. Medicine calms her down. She is eating us out of house and home. It is ridiculous!
Me, I am fine. There are alot of things going on in my life. Most I choose to ignore, because if I dwell on the bad (people or situations) I will just get stressed out and hate everything. I choose to live in the moment and enjoy the good things. I know I have to "deal" with the bad things, eventually, but right now, I just ignore. It is easier. I couldn't get through the day to day dealings of bad things without my husband. He is always there to remind me to "not worry and don't care." I sure to love him. He keeps me very balanced. He pulls me back down to earth when I just float away thinking about the terrible things. We had a seminar at church last Sunday and that was the BEST Sunday I have had in a long time. We were at church from 9:30 until 2!! I loved it. I almost wish every day could be that wonderful, but I know that isn't reality. We learned how most churches go wrong and how people fail is because they aren't giving God all the glory. People make everything about them, and it shouldn't be that way, it should all be about God. He didn't just send His Son to die on the cross to save us from our sins. He sent His Son to die on the cross to save us from our sins to give Him all the Glory. The last part just always gets lost in translation. It is truly difficult to stop making everything about us. But I am trying to remember every day to give God the Glory and to stop making it all about me. Anyways, Great times. That is really all for now. Don't have much else to say.
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