Friday, May 1, 2009

Curveball, anyone??

Well, life throws us curve balls sometimes, and we can either aim high and knock it out of the park, or we can strike out and feel defeated.

I am notorious for feeling defeated anytime I get thrown a curve ball. No matter the circumstance, I usually (99% of the time) strike out and blame myself and beat myself up. I guess that is just my nature?? I don't know. I can usually pick myself up and move on, but I dwell on it.

Today, is not one of those days. Well, at first it was. I thought it would be a normal day of cleaning, cooking, taking care of kids, ya know, the usual. Then, my first curve ball was thrown. Kamryn slept much later than Addison and Logan. Not a big deal. I got them fed and when Kamryn woke up, I got her fed, and put her in the pack 'n play. I started the usual cleaning, and straightening up, when I heard this noise.

Curveball #2. Kamryn was throwing up. I jumped up and started cleaning her up, and cleaning up the playpen. I took her temperature and it was normal. I got her a change of clothes and when I went to put them on her, I noticed she was hot, so I took her temperature again. It was 100 degrees. I tried to put her down for a nap (it was that time.) but she wouldn't sleep. I put her in her walker and proceeded on with my day. I would say that I took a swing at that one and at least got on base...

I fixed the kids lunch, gave Kamryn some pedialyte, and called the dr just to make sure I was doing everything right (even on kid #3, you can't be to sure) then...

Curveball#3. Addison runs in the living room, and told me how she had just thrown up. Yes, all over Logan's bed. So, I got her the throw up bucket and let her lay on the floor, and proceeded to take off Logan's sheets and do laundry. So there you have it. 3 curveballs right in a row. Here is the time that I usually get defeated. I think to myself that I can't do this. I need help. Right now, I am on top of the world. I have complete confidence in myself as a mother, that I can take care of a sick baby and a sick 4 year old, and a normal rambunctious 3 year old.

I dare life to throw another curveball at me. Yes, I know I am probably setting myself up for a HUGE ordeal, but that's okay. I can do this. I am able. So, with that being said, let me clean up more throw up, do the laundry, dishes, and clean the rest of the house, all while watching my soaps. =)

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