Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Well, this weekend was great. It was LONG, but great. We spent lots of time with family, and it was fun. We were pretty much outside constantly until Monday, and we took the day off and just layed around. It was great! And, we are now packing up the house, for the big move. I have been filing EVERYTHING that hasn't been filed in the last year or 2 or 3....and we are throwing out everything that we don't use. EVERYTHING!!! I probably won't be doing much else besides packing. I haven't even had time to do Wii Fit...I have gained weight since I haven't been exercising. I have pictures...will post later...back to packing!

1 comment:

Lora said...

Yeah! I'm so excited that yall are finally getting to move! Can't wait to see yall in the new hizzo!!!