Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Well, it is March!! That means that nicer weather will be here soon, right?? I sure hope so! Since March is now here, that means that my itty bitty baby boy (well, maybe not a baby) is going to be 4 soon!!! I can't believe it!! He is such an awesome little boy! He gets to start in Bible Blast at church and won't be in the nursery! I can't believe it!! March also puts me one month closer to meeting our new baby boy! Almost 4 months left. I can't believe that either! As I am sitting here writing this, this little boy is kicking and moving like crazy!

I have started feeling better. I can eat now, and I am gaining weight. Right now I am in the middle of a respiratory thing and have been pretty sick, but I am getting better now!

Our life is just amazing right now! I couldn't ask for anything more but my husband and kids by my side! Things may get crazy at times, but they make everything worthwhile!

I really don't have much more to share. I should probably be catching up on my housework that I have let slide since I have been sick, but I really don't want to right now. Anyways, have a nice day!

Monday, February 8, 2010

A New year, a New me??

Well, things this past week have been stressful, to say the least. I went to the dr and had lost even more weight (9lbs in a month) and so he told me that he wanted to see me in 2 weeks and if I hadn't gained any weight, he would put me in the hospital. Well, that scared me to death. I don't want to go in the hospital until I have the baby! I have been trying to eat as much as possible, and up until yesterday, I was still losing weight . I lost about 5 more lbs this past week, and then I weighed today and I had gained 1.5 lbs!! So exciting. I never thought I would get excited about gaining weight, but I am!!! I don't want a hospital stay.

I do believe my stress level has been part of the reason I can't gain weight. This weekend, I didn't have any stress, we had a relaxing weekend just spending time with the kids. However, today the stress is back, I am trying my hardest to not let things bother me, but I take everything to heart and I am finding that very difficult. However, today, a verse my pastor used came to mind and it was "Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy, without holiness no one will see the Lord." Hebrews 12:14. So, today when something has come up that just really frustrated me and I wanted to yell, scream, say mean things, and get revenge, I have thought of this verse and it has calmed me down and I have held my tongue so I wouldn't say anything that would hurt anyone or make anyone think badly of me. It isn't that I want to please everyone, but I want to please God, God wants me to be holy and He wants me to set an example of what a Christian is. So, here's to a new me..I am still the same person, but I am chosing to watch what I say and do around others. I might still get mad about something and rant and rave about it at home, but hopefully by chosing to not get mad in "public" or say something that would hurt someone, hopefully they will see that there is a God out there and He is the only way to true happiness. Make sense?? It sure does in my mind.

So, we are all doing alright around here, no major sicknesses or anything...and we also found out the gender of our baby.......it's a BOY!!!! we are very excited!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year

Well, I'm pretty optimistic that this year will hold alot in store. I am also optimistic that we will have some pretty fantastic moments. 2009 went out and I was so glad to see this year pass. We had some pretty trying times this past year, and all I can say is it can only get better from here. I am very happy to forget most all that happened in 2009 and try to keep that junk from happening this year.

Some exciting things are going to happen this year, I'm not sure what order everything will happen in, but I am positive on one thing...we will be welcoming Baby Buckner #4 into our family in July! We are so excited to not only welcome this child into our lives, but we are very honored that God chose us to be parents once more!!

I know some people aren't thrilled at the fact that we are having ANOTHER baby, but you know what? I DON'T CARE. It is not your life, you don't have to raise the child, you don't have to provide for the child, you don't have to have anything to do with the child if you don't want. I won't lose any sleep over it. I am the one chosen to raise this child and I couldn't be more thrilled!

Anyways, I have made a few new years resolutions, nothing HUGE, like losing weight or anything like that, because, well, being pregnant is not the best time to lose weight.

Well, life right now is pretty great. We enjoy spending time together just us as a family. If we aren't at home together, we are usually at church. There isn't any place we would rather be. I am very excited to raise another child to love the Lord as much as we do! We have a great church home and have made some of the greatest friends along the way. I know that God is working in us each and every day and couldn't be any happier. We recently took the kids to the Salvation Army for the Children's Department mission of Feeding the homeless. Yes, the roads were terrible, but we ventured out at 5AM and as an adult, I have never seen anything quite like it. Walking into the Salvation army it was person upon person trying to stay warm from the cold. We got to set everything up to welcome the homeless for a hot meal. We involved the kids any way we could. They got to see first hand, mommy and daddy helping others. The kids absolutely loved it. They loved helping others and them being there was a blessing to others because they were able to see that so many people care for them when they feel like they have nothing.

Anyways, We still have clean up to do from the holidays. School starts back up tomorrow. I better start getting everything together!