Well, this isn't going to be a blog about hair, or my kids. This one is a bit more serious, and when I say a bit, I mean ALOT.
So this past week has been following up to today, Good Friday. Last Sunday was Palm Sunday. We had an amazing church service and saw pictures from the Holy Land (pictures my pastor took a few weeks ago.) We got to see where Jesus stood and looked over Jerusalem, the road he rode the donkey down into the city, trees in the Garden, and then the thorn trees from which his crown of thorns was made. It was moving. Just to see where he was the days leading up to his death, is amazing. I can't even begin to comprehend what was going through his mind. I think to myself that if I knew exactly when I was be put to death, I would turn and run in the other direction, just to get away from being put to death. How incredibly selfish of me.
Last night was our communion service. I had never experience communion like this before. This was one of the most moving services I have ever attended, and not much was said. Those of us who were there gathered to remember The Lord's Last Supper. His disciples were told to go to The Upper Room and prepare a table. They knew not what was about to happen. During the dinner, he was betrayed, but he knew that would happen. He broke the bread, passed it around, and said " This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me." (Luke 22:19) Then he took the cup, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you." (Luke 22:20) Well, in our sanctuary, there was a table set, with bread and grape juice around every seat, 12 to be exact. There was one chair in the middle, with no food, this chair represented Jesus seat. The 12 chairs around it, represented the 12 disciples. We got to go sit at the table, eat of the bread, and drink of the cup, and just try to imagine being one of Jesus 12 disciples on that one night. Jesus place had no food, why, you ask? He said "I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom." (Matthew 26:29)
The experience of just sitting at a table like the disciples did was not only overwhelming, but also very affirming. I am one of Jesus disciples. Any child of God is a disciple. I was lost in my thoughts as I realized that I am not doing everything that God wants me to do. He wants me to do more, be more. I realized, I want to do more, and be more. I don't want Jesus death to be in vain. I want to live up to what He wants of me. I want to respect Him, and what He went through so that we could live with Him forever. He didn't die because he commited some outrageous crime. HE KNEW NO SIN. He died for us. How unselfish of Him.
I can not say that I have done everything in my life the right way, I have done things I shouldn't do. I have asked forgiveness from those things. Some, I have not done again, some, I struggle with daily. All I can do when I fail Him, is ask for forgiveness. He is always there, with open arms to comfort me, and let me know I am forgiven. How simply amazing is that? When I feel alone, and am feeling down on myself, there is ALWAYS someone for me to talk to, and He ALWAYS makes me feel better. I LOVE that!
Tonight is our Crucifixion service. They are showing some scenes from The Passion of Christ. I am not sure what I am feeling about the service tonight, because what we are gathering for, is certainly not something to be excited about, or happy about. It is a sorrowful event, what happened. But, we know what happens after that, He rises from the dead, and goes to live with his Father in Heaven. We know that He will come again for His children some day, and we get to live in The House of the Lord FOREVER!!!!!!
Goodness, I have chills now, just thinking about it. Like I said, I can't even begin to comprehend what Jesus went through in the days leading up to his ressurection, but I can reflect on what He did for us, and can strive to be better for Him. I can also celebrate that He will come back for me one day!
With all this being said, I hope everyone has a great Easter weekend, and remembers what we are celebrating for. For those who have no idea what Easter is all about, or would like to know more, I am more than willing to talk (or write) it over. Email me.
Happy Easter!
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