Well, the time finally came to re-arrange bedrooms. Hopefully that marks the last bedroom change in this house. When we just had the 2 kids, the room situation was easy, Addison had her room, and Logan had his. Then we threw another child into the mix, and ta-daa!!! we had to re-arrange rooms. We decided that since a baby is up in the middle of the night, to try Logan in Addison's room. It worked out well. He was in his crib and Addie in her big girl bed. The late nights of talking weren't that great, but we delt.
Then, a few weeks ago, Logan decided to turn into a big boy over night (sniff, sniff) and we put him in his big boy bed. Thus began the endless hours of yelling at the kids to stay in bed and for the love, BE QUIET!!!! Well, this just wasn't working out well. So, Tuesday night, we decided to take action. Addison's bed is the easiest to move, so we re-arranged Kamryn's room and put Addison in there with her. However, what I didn't prepare myself for...Addison, talking to Kamryn.
Yes, Kamryn just babbles back, but they talk...and talk. Well, the first night went well, until I woke up to Logan yelling "Sissy, what are you doing?" I promptly got up and said "Logan, don't yell" I went back into the bedroom and thought I could get a few more minutes of sleep (Oh yeah, this was at 6:30 IN THE MORNING.) The next thing I know, Logan and Addison are running through the house. So, I promptly got up, put Addison and Logan in bed and got Kamryn out of bed and told them "You will stay in your bed until I tell you that you can get out of bed." This resulted in much screaming and crying, and not just from me =) They stayed a bit longer and I got them out of bed and fed them, and we went about our day.
Another thing I didn't prepare for...All 3 kids being awake before I want to wake up. I am used to Kamryn waking up and playing in her bed at 6:30. I get her out around 7:30is or so, after I shower. The other kids wouldn't wake up until around 8. Now, they are all awake around 6:30. I guess this means that I have to start taking my showers at night again, and making myself get up at 6:30. I am not looking forward to that.
Well, I thought I had a lead on a job, I submitted my application on Monday, bright and early, and as of yesterday they hadn't denied my application. Today I checked and it said my application was being reviewed. I was so hopeful, but I checked a little while ago and it had been denied. That is like my 10th application to be denied. I just can't catch a break. Oh well, I will keep trying.
I am so sick of this weather. It makes me just want to sleep all day, and I can't do that. I have to clean, and when it is rainy, I don't want to clean. My house is all dark and dreary, and I want to relax, but I have never ending laundry to do and never ending dishes. Oh the joys of being a stay at home mom...and this is why I want to go back to work. Anyways, not much else new in our lives. Just the same ol'. The washer and dryer are calling my name. I should get back to work.
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