Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Well, I have been inspired. I admit, I have known about blogspot for a while. I have just never felt comfortable blogging to random people. I do blog on Myspace every now and again, but never anything important. I have yet to decide exactly what this blog will entail. Will it just be general randomness that I chose to write about? Will it be the goings on of my life and kids? I don't know. I guess you will just have to keep reading to figure it out. Also, How often are you supposed to blog? Once a day? Once a week? Every other day? Where are the rules of blogging? Anyways, my inspiration has come from my sister. She was the editor of the NSU newspaper and had a wonderful column every week. She has recently started blogging. If I knew how to put a link up to her blog...I would. I will figure it out sometime. Anyways, as I am at home with 3 kids, and tonight is church night, that means there is a house to clean and laundry to be done, kids to be given baths, and a mom in need of makeup and fixed hair. I will go for now. I am looking forward to learning how to use this thing. Until next time...Have a great day!

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