Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Yep. We did it! We finally moved into the new house.

Yeo. We still aren't done with the old house.

As difficult as a process moving can be with 3 kids (and a husband), we made it happen. We were VERY fortunate to have a family friend come down and watch the kids for the week we were moving. That meant, I could pack, load up, unpack, go back and do it all however many times it took, without having to worry about my kids being in the way and not being able to get anything done. It took the entire week to get fully unpacked. Well, that is a lie. We aren't fully unpacked. We still have the office left, but we don't have the bookshelf we want yet, and what is the point in unpacking stuff, just to have to pack it up again?

We are loving the new was a difficult transition to go from 2 full bathrooms, to 1 full bathroom and a bathroom with only a sink and bathtub. I'm not complaining, it is just "God forbid that one of the kids has to go to the bathroom while mommy or daddy is showering." These kiddos have the worst yes, I have taught Logan to pee outside! Addison doesn't understand why she can't. Anyways, I love living here. I love cleaning this house. No, I don't have pictures yet. Yes, I will take day.

Kamryn is now walking...ALL OVER THE PLACE. And, she is drinking whole milk...only...the only milestone left for her, is drinking out of a cup. I can't bear to break my last baby of the bottle yet. I can't believe how she has grown. Oh yeah, she FINALLY has 2 teeth!

Logan and Addison are good. They are enjoying their playroom to the fullest. We finally got their TV hooked up and all, and so they play in there, or Logan goes into his room and plays while Addison stays in the playroom...and guess what?? NO FIGHTING!!!! That has been the greatest thing.

Well, I hear all 3 kids calling for me to get them out of bed. I don't mind doing that in this house =)

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