Thursday, April 30, 2009

Extreme Makeover, Bedtime Edition??

Well, the time finally came to re-arrange bedrooms. Hopefully that marks the last bedroom change in this house. When we just had the 2 kids, the room situation was easy, Addison had her room, and Logan had his. Then we threw another child into the mix, and ta-daa!!! we had to re-arrange rooms. We decided that since a baby is up in the middle of the night, to try Logan in Addison's room. It worked out well. He was in his crib and Addie in her big girl bed. The late nights of talking weren't that great, but we delt.

Then, a few weeks ago, Logan decided to turn into a big boy over night (sniff, sniff) and we put him in his big boy bed. Thus began the endless hours of yelling at the kids to stay in bed and for the love, BE QUIET!!!! Well, this just wasn't working out well. So, Tuesday night, we decided to take action. Addison's bed is the easiest to move, so we re-arranged Kamryn's room and put Addison in there with her. However, what I didn't prepare myself for...Addison, talking to Kamryn.

Yes, Kamryn just babbles back, but they talk...and talk. Well, the first night went well, until I woke up to Logan yelling "Sissy, what are you doing?" I promptly got up and said "Logan, don't yell" I went back into the bedroom and thought I could get a few more minutes of sleep (Oh yeah, this was at 6:30 IN THE MORNING.) The next thing I know, Logan and Addison are running through the house. So, I promptly got up, put Addison and Logan in bed and got Kamryn out of bed and told them "You will stay in your bed until I tell you that you can get out of bed." This resulted in much screaming and crying, and not just from me =) They stayed a bit longer and I got them out of bed and fed them, and we went about our day.

Another thing I didn't prepare for...All 3 kids being awake before I want to wake up. I am used to Kamryn waking up and playing in her bed at 6:30. I get her out around 7:30is or so, after I shower. The other kids wouldn't wake up until around 8. Now, they are all awake around 6:30. I guess this means that I have to start taking my showers at night again, and making myself get up at 6:30. I am not looking forward to that.

Well, I thought I had a lead on a job, I submitted my application on Monday, bright and early, and as of yesterday they hadn't denied my application. Today I checked and it said my application was being reviewed. I was so hopeful, but I checked a little while ago and it had been denied. That is like my 10th application to be denied. I just can't catch a break. Oh well, I will keep trying.

I am so sick of this weather. It makes me just want to sleep all day, and I can't do that. I have to clean, and when it is rainy, I don't want to clean. My house is all dark and dreary, and I want to relax, but I have never ending laundry to do and never ending dishes. Oh the joys of being a stay at home mom...and this is why I want to go back to work. Anyways, not much else new in our lives. Just the same ol'. The washer and dryer are calling my name. I should get back to work.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

This week

Well, this week has been way out of the ordinary. I know I said that I wouldn't be blogging for a while, but stress makes me do things I say I won't.

Looking for a job is harder than I expected. I have filled out 8 applications the past 2 days. I have daycare lined up, but need a confirmation on a job to be able to put them in day care. Craziness!

I guess since I don't have any type of degree, I am not qualified for anything. IT sucks!!!

And, to top it off, our A/C is broken. And I'm not talking, can be fixed in an hour, broken. It is BROKEN!!! The guy came out today to look at it. He isn't sure what is going on, it needed coolant. It was on empty, so he was going to fill it, and the unit overheated. It was so bad, he had to put everything away and they have to come back tomorrow to try to fix it. If it still doesn't cool down tomorrow, he said most likely the compressor is bad. I'm not sure if the unit is still under warrenty, if now...WE'RE SCREWED!!! It is over 80 degrees in our house. I have been letting the kids run around in underwear, and I have on shorts and a t-shirt. I never wear shorts, I usually freeze, however, it is impossible to freeze in this house. Last night we had every fan turned on, and I didn't even use a sheet to cover up, that is sooo not normal. I even volunteered to let JD open the windows if it would cool the place down. I hate sleeping with windows open, because my allergies kill me. It is that bad, that I am overlooking my health just to cool down this house. How great for me!

So, I decided that we need to save some money around here. I called DISHNetwork today and downgraded our plan. Now, instead of the top 200 channels, we have the top 100 + local channels. I took one for the team! I should get a reward. With the downgrading, I ended up getting rid of the only channels I watch. Bye bye Soap network, discovery health, Lifetime movie network, and hallmark. =( BOO

Oh well, I am saving us almost $50 a month. Way to be frugal. With this being said, I need to go finish fixing the kids dinner, and figure out how to stay cool.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's one of THOSE days.

I probably won't be blogging for a while...Just not into it right now, and I am too busy with a husband, kids and a freakin house. I am also looking for a job and daycare. So, won't be on for a while. Oh well.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Boys vs. Girls

Well, this is about potty training. Let me start from when we started potty training Addison. We really started when she was 18 months old. That is pretty young, but I thought repetitive action would spark her curiosity and she would catch on. Boy was I wrong. Her 2nd birthday came and went, and still she wasn't potty trained. I was letting her wear her "big girl panties" and I would set the timer and every 30 minutes I would take her to the bathroom, and she would still have accidents. I fretted over this for a while, and I kept hearing, "It's okay, she will do it when she is ready." "Don't push her too hard." No matter how many times I heard these things, I still thought that it was something I was or was not doing right. Then, her 3rd birthday came and went, and I still thought she should be potty trained, but she really wanted nothing to do with it. She would do good for an hour or so, and the would be playing so hard, that she would forget. We found out I was pregnant again, so I really wanted her to be potty trained before the baby was born. To me, it felt like she would never be potty trained, and I would be That Mom, ya know, the one with the 9 year old still in diapers and still sucking her thumb. I also thought that Logan would end up being potty trained before Addison, and he was only 2. Well, it finally happend, She was about 3 1/2 and she woke up one day and said "Mommy, I want to wear big girl panties." So, I let her pick them out, and she did fine that day. She has been fine since then. Of course, all kids when they are starting out, have a few accidents. They are few and far between though, and I am content with that.
This brings me to the boy. I decided after the pressure we put on Addison, that I would not do the same with Logan. I guess that is what having more than one child is for. You learn what to do and not to do with the first one, and you do things different with the others. I never pressured him, yet I would let him come into the bathroom with me or Addison, just so he could see what we were doing and maybe it would spark some interest. Well, I guess it did. Logan just turned 3 last month, and the past 2 weeks or so, he has been making all the effort to be potty trained. He tells us he needs to go, and sometimes he does, and sometimes he doesn't. At least he is trying. Then, he woke up on Wednesday and wanted to start out in "big boy underwears." I gladly let him pick them out and put them on. He did great, no accidents whatsoever. We were getting ready to go to church Wednesday night, so I put an extra pair of pants and undies in the diaper bag and decided to try it out with him. Well, we made it to church, and he told me he needed to go to the bathroom. I let the nursery workers know that he didn't have on pull-ups, and that he might need a little coaching. I went upstairs with the bigger kids, and looked down into the playroom, and he was still dry. When I picked him up from the nursery, they said he told them when he needed to go. He was still dry!!! I was impressed with my little man. So, daddy told him that if he went all day Thursday with no accidents, he would take down his crib and put him in the big boy bed. (His crib turns into a toddler bed.) Well, daddy got home and Logan was still dry, so he got his big boy bed!
Now, I have 2 potty trained kids and 1 to go! It is such exciting news in our life! I never thought this day would come. Now, what do you think, those of you with experience, are boys easier to potty train than girls? I think so!

In his big boy bed
Loving his new bed!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Well, today has been a hard day for me. Well, once I got the date correct, that is. I called my mom today and as we were talking, she said "Today would have been your Grandps's 80th birthday." I replied, "But I thought his birthday was the 16th." She said, "Nikki, it is the 16th."

I didn't forget his birthday, but I forgot today was the 16th. Since that conversation, he is all I have been thinking of. I have been pretty emotional. He passed away almost 3 years ago. It is still hard. I spent the majority of today thinking about the fun things we used to do. I decided to let the kids go play outside today for as long as they wanted. My grandpa used to take us outside all of the time. We (and when I say we, I mean my grandpa and my sister) would work in the garden, or do some kind of work. I usually got to sit out of all the work. I'm pretty sure I had my grandpa wrapped around my finger. He would say, "Poor little Nikki, why don't you go inside and rest." As if I was so completely worn out from eating my Grandma's yummo meals and watching cartoons. I know, it must have been all of that hard work playing school with my sister and cousins. I did all the work, because they made me be the janitor, or the cafeteria lady.

We would always walk down to the post office, and Grandpa would point out all of the houses and name who all lived there. He always told the best stories. He would also pay me to eat just about anything. He loved to joke around and sing and dance and just be silly. My heart aches knowing that my kids don't get to experience that, but I know he is in a better place, and he is no longer hurting. I'm sure he is up in Heaven giving God a run for his money!

All in all, today has been a decent day. I just miss my Grandpa. He would have been 80 years old today! I'm sure going to be happy to see him again in Heaven some day.

Happy Birthday Grandpa!! I Miss you!

On a lighter note, Logan has gone 2 whole days with no accidents in his "big boy underwears." We even made it to church and home again with no accidents. I am a pround momma! He is getting to be such a big boy!

Hope everyone is having a good day!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Feeling a bit down on myself...

Well, today was one of those days, where I felt like I was just here. I had no motivation to do anything, although, I still had to.

Recently, I was asked to serve on a ministy committee at our church, which I am very honored to have been asked. Well, I received an email wondering where I would like to be "plugged in" at. I decided what I would do, was email this person back, and give my strengths and weaknesses and according to those, be placed where I am needed or where I would fit in. In deciding to write this email, I called 2 people, I will not mention their names, nor their relationship to me. I am not mad at these people, I hold no grudges for what was or was not said. I just felt down. I asked both people "What do you think my strengths are?" The first response, from both parties was a minute of silence. The first person then replied, "Well, I guess your strength could be that you are good with kids."


Obviously I know this about myself already because, HELLO!!! I have 3 kids. I was looking more along the lines of skills that I am good at, organized, not organized, creative, not creative...etc.. And then I heard "Well, I'll have to think about it and call you back." Next call, "What do you think my strengths are?" Reply:"..............." Silence. This one was more of a slap in the face than the other one. Here I am thinking, "Ok, apparently, I am not good at anything, I have no strengths..." Then I hear, "Well, I guess you are good with kids since you have 3 of them."


Now, I am thinking, "Ok, I am only good at taking care of kids. Apparently I should just become a professional baby maker because apparently that is all I am good at." Well, I ended that conversation. Once again, I am not mad at these people. I guess I just need to do some re-evaluating of my life, because apparently I have no strengths whatsoever. I guess I am just destined to make babies, have them, and care for them. How will I ever be able to go back to work if all I can list on skills is "I am good with kids." Ridiculous. Of course I am going to be down on myself. What a way to spend a day. Not only am I taking care of my 3 kids this day, cleaning the house, feeding mouths, and doing laundry, but I am also having to re-evaluate my life...

Great. What a day.

How will I end my day?

Baths for 3 kids, husband still not home, night clothes for kids, kids in bed, clean what is strewn all over the living room, and realize : right now, it is 7:23, and I have yet to eat a meal.

What a day.

It's off to the bath for the kids. Then I suppose I can get in bed, just to lay and think.

By the way, I emailed this person back and told her what areas I would like to help in and what areas I would not like to help in. I guess I could have avoided the whole situation by doing this first and not calling anyone and asking them anything.

Chalk one up for me on making myself feel down.


Well, this past weekend, was LOOOOONG, but that didn't bother me. We had our final Easter services at church. The Crucifixion service was a good service, I saw a little more into what happened when Jesus died. Sunday was our Easter service, and I can't help but smile every time I hear the Hallelujah Chorus. Then we saw our families, not too much to tell. We got home around 4pm, and Addison was the first to fall asleep, then Logan, then Daddy, then Kamryn. I put Kam in bed, then Daddy woke up, and he woke up the kids, we put them in their night clothes and put them back to bed. Thus begins another week. This week so far, has been super busy. Here is my Monday:
6:00 AM: Wake up, shower, curl up under the covers in bed.
6:45 AM: Get out of bed, dry hair, put on makeup.
7:30 AM: Curl up under the covers again, and flip through the channels.
7:35 AM: Drag myself out of bed, and get the kids out of bed.
7:45 AM: Fix breakfast for the kids, get their clothes out of their closets.
7:55 AM: Straighten hair, get dressed.
8:10 AM: Wait for the kids to finish eating.
8:20 AM: Wait for the kids to finish eating....get the diaper bag ready, get everything ready to walk out the door.
8:30 AM: Wait for the kids to get dressed
8:40 AM: Redress the kids correctly in their clothes
8:45 AM: Start fixing Addison's hair
9:05 AM: Rush to get the kids shoes on them, and get them loaded into the car.
9:15 AM: Drop Addison and Logan off at Playtime Plus
9:25 AM: Stop at SONIC for a much needed caffine fix
9:30 AM: Head to the church
10:00AM: Meeting at church
12:15PM: Pick up kids at Playtime Plus, Head over to Pepsi
12:45PM: Leave Pepsi not too happy because it was a wasted trip over there
1:15 PM: Stop at Walmart to pick up some groceries
2:00 PM: Turn on General Hospital, fix kids lunch, feed Kamryn, put her in bed.
3:00 PM: My turn to eat lunch
3:30 PM: Finally check my email
4:00 PM: Clean kitchen and living room
5:00 PM: Start Dinner, decide to make some baby food, get Kamryn out of bed
6:00 PM: STILL fixing dinner and making baby food
6:30 PM: Feed kids and husband dinner.
7:00 PM: Clean up kitchen.
7:30 PM: Realize I haven't eaten dinner yet, get kids night clothes out, fix bottle for Kamryn
8:00 PM: Finally sit down, Feed Kamryn, put her in bed.
8:15 PM: Logan wakes up Kamryn, I get her and try to rock her. She pulls my hair...I scream
8:30 PM: Try to put Kamryn back in bed.
8:45 PM: Get a screaming Kamryn out of bed. Rock her.
9:00 PM: Put a calm Kamryn back in bed.
9:15 PM: Decide Kamryn won't sleep because her belly hurts from her puree'd spaghetti, rock her.
9:25 PM: Get frustrated with Kamryn, put her back in bed. Get myself ready for bed, take medicine to help me sleep, turn on FRIENDS season 3, fall into a DEEP sleep.
What a day!!! It never slowed down. I don't mind that, I have to get used to that when the kids get into all of their activities.
Today, I said "I am going to lay on the couch all day and not do a thing." Has that happened? No. I got up, ate breakfast and got back in bed. Then I got the kids up. I have been fixing food for them, changing diapers, taking kids to the bathroom, laundry, fixing things, laundry, cleaning, have I mentioned laundry? It has been slower today, but I am worn completely out, and I get to do it all again tomorrow. Such is the life of a mommy. Anyways, that is really all I have to say right now. I'm tired...and have stuff to do =)

Friday, April 10, 2009

More hair...

Well, This post is about hair. I can't resist fixing Addison's hair, and putting little pretties in it now. Here is what we did today.

Addison's hair with the gems in it.

The top of her hair...

Side view


Top again..


Well, this isn't going to be a blog about hair, or my kids. This one is a bit more serious, and when I say a bit, I mean ALOT.

So this past week has been following up to today, Good Friday. Last Sunday was Palm Sunday. We had an amazing church service and saw pictures from the Holy Land (pictures my pastor took a few weeks ago.) We got to see where Jesus stood and looked over Jerusalem, the road he rode the donkey down into the city, trees in the Garden, and then the thorn trees from which his crown of thorns was made. It was moving. Just to see where he was the days leading up to his death, is amazing. I can't even begin to comprehend what was going through his mind. I think to myself that if I knew exactly when I was be put to death, I would turn and run in the other direction, just to get away from being put to death. How incredibly selfish of me.

Last night was our communion service. I had never experience communion like this before. This was one of the most moving services I have ever attended, and not much was said. Those of us who were there gathered to remember The Lord's Last Supper. His disciples were told to go to The Upper Room and prepare a table. They knew not what was about to happen. During the dinner, he was betrayed, but he knew that would happen. He broke the bread, passed it around, and said " This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me." (Luke 22:19) Then he took the cup, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you." (Luke 22:20) Well, in our sanctuary, there was a table set, with bread and grape juice around every seat, 12 to be exact. There was one chair in the middle, with no food, this chair represented Jesus seat. The 12 chairs around it, represented the 12 disciples. We got to go sit at the table, eat of the bread, and drink of the cup, and just try to imagine being one of Jesus 12 disciples on that one night. Jesus place had no food, why, you ask? He said "I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom." (Matthew 26:29)

The experience of just sitting at a table like the disciples did was not only overwhelming, but also very affirming. I am one of Jesus disciples. Any child of God is a disciple. I was lost in my thoughts as I realized that I am not doing everything that God wants me to do. He wants me to do more, be more. I realized, I want to do more, and be more. I don't want Jesus death to be in vain. I want to live up to what He wants of me. I want to respect Him, and what He went through so that we could live with Him forever. He didn't die because he commited some outrageous crime. HE KNEW NO SIN. He died for us. How unselfish of Him.

I can not say that I have done everything in my life the right way, I have done things I shouldn't do. I have asked forgiveness from those things. Some, I have not done again, some, I struggle with daily. All I can do when I fail Him, is ask for forgiveness. He is always there, with open arms to comfort me, and let me know I am forgiven. How simply amazing is that? When I feel alone, and am feeling down on myself, there is ALWAYS someone for me to talk to, and He ALWAYS makes me feel better. I LOVE that!

Tonight is our Crucifixion service. They are showing some scenes from The Passion of Christ. I am not sure what I am feeling about the service tonight, because what we are gathering for, is certainly not something to be excited about, or happy about. It is a sorrowful event, what happened. But, we know what happens after that, He rises from the dead, and goes to live with his Father in Heaven. We know that He will come again for His children some day, and we get to live in The House of the Lord FOREVER!!!!!!

Goodness, I have chills now, just thinking about it. Like I said, I can't even begin to comprehend what Jesus went through in the days leading up to his ressurection, but I can reflect on what He did for us, and can strive to be better for Him. I can also celebrate that He will come back for me one day!

With all this being said, I hope everyone has a great Easter weekend, and remembers what we are celebrating for. For those who have no idea what Easter is all about, or would like to know more, I am more than willing to talk (or write) it over. Email me.

Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Not today...

Well, I did do a new hairstyle for Addison today, but It was just to keep her hair out of her face. However, the point of this blog is to advertise. I found a how-to on making these cute little hair thingy's. I thought to myself "Hey, I can do that!" So, I did. They are called hair coils. You fix your little girls hair, and then you stick one of these in there, and twist and it stays in place and looks like the "gem" or whatever is on it, is freestanding. They are so cute.. I am still in the process of perfecting mine, but Addison loves them. Anyways, If you know of a little girl or a mom who loves to do a little girls hair, pass this on, and I am more than happy to make some according to what you want (Color, size, and shape) and if anyone wants to buy them, email me, and I will tell you a price, based on what you want. Here are some pictures:

This is Addison's favorite.

The pictures didn't come out very well. These are pink gems and "diamond" gems.
The gems in the hair. They didn't work too well with Addison't hairstyle.
These are purple and pink beads with rhinestones on them.
These are the stars. Haven't put them in her hair yet.
What do you think?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Well, here is 'do #3. It is a little spin off of the previous one. I wanted to do something with her hair down. I don't know if this is a little much for Easter or not??

I love the basketweave on top, but I'm not too pleased with the little "pouf" on top...myabe we will try again tomorrow =)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Next One...

Well, I did it. I sat Addison down in front of the TV, put on a movie, and played with her hair. I found another Website that had some cute 'Do's. If you go here: you can find some really cute ones! Anyways, here is the one I tried, and I put my own little spin on it...

I absolutely love the top, because it looks like a basket weave. I am going to keep working on this one to make it look better...I want it a little different...maybe not so big?? What do you think?


Well, I don't have time to blog alot right now, I am just here to post the link to the little girls hair-do's.


Monday, April 6, 2009


Well, this has been an interesting weekend. JD was in Las Vegas for the ACMA's. Lucky Duck! I will write more about that when I hear more about it. Today, I was thinking...I need to find a cute way to fix Addison's hair for Easter. Usually for church, I straighten it and pull part of it back, and she looks oh, so cute. Well, for Christmas, I pulled part of it back and curled it in tiny ringlets. I went to Yahoo and typed in a few different phrases to search for. I ended up at a blog...which I will post the link later when I am on my other computer. Well, I looked at different pictures of this little girls hair, and chose a few styles to try out. For those of you out there who have little girls and want som fun, even funky ways of fixing their hair, this is the place to look at. She (I really don't know who she is, but she is the writer of the blog) gives detailed descriptions along with pictures of every single step. Well, I tried the first one, and since Addison has some bangs that are growing out (stupid lady that cut her hair last) we weren't able to do that one, so I tried a second one. Although I won't fix her hair this way for church, it is cute for just everyday, or playing outside, or even gymnastics. We will probably try this out tomorrow for gymnastics and see how it goes. are the pics.

This is the back view...
View from the side.
Tomorrow, hopefully we can find a hair-do that works for Easter!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Stress, Anyone??

OH MY GOODNESS!!! What a crazy week it has been. I can hardly believe that it is already Friday. I don't even know where to begin. Well, Sunday, Kamryn was in Urgent Care, she was okay, except she hadn't been eating much. She had only 3 bottles total on Sunday. She is a pretty good eater, and usually has 6 bottles + 3 meals. Well, Monday, was a bit different. Kamryn didn't eat AT ALL. This concerned me. She woke up late which is unusual for her, and had a wet and dirty diaper. Then, she wouldn't take a bottle, or eat food. This concerned me. I know a person needs to eat and drink to be healthy. I knew she needed to stay hydrated, but how do you get a 9 month old to drink something...YOU CAN'T. Well, I called the dr's office a few times and around 3 they called back and said that I needed to bring her in. JD met me at the dr's office and the dr said that she had lost weight. 1 lb or so. He said to try to get her to drink ANYTHING. We got home, I tried to get her to drink, she wouldn't, finally, JD tried some pedialyte in a sippy cup and she drank about an ounce. Well, Tuesday morning, I woke up and checked on Kamryn, she hadn't moved all night. I checked her diaper. DRY, which meant she hadn't peed since Monday morning. I spoke with the dr at around 7ish Tuesday morning. He said to bring her in at 8. I rush around to get dressed and get a diaper bag ready to leave. My mother in law came over to watch the big kids, and I drove in the morning traffic to get to the office. Have I mentioned that I hate driving?? Well, it sucked. We got to the dr, immediately got back to the room, and Kamryn had lost another 1/2 a pound. Well, she was barely moving. She would just sit on my lap and rest her chest on mine. She was puney. Well, the dr walked in and looked at her and said "I already called St John's this morning, let me write down some orders and you can head over there." Luckily the office is right across the street. I don't think I could have managed to drive a longer distance. I was in a panic. Well, I bundled Kamryn up and headed to the hospital. I got lost trying to get up to Peds. Well, we got up there and I had to strip her down to get a weight. She screamed. HArdly any tears coming out. She was one dehydrated baby. She had lost a total of 1 1/2 lbs in 2 days. I got her diaper back on her and just held her in her room until daddy got there. He went down to admitting and filled out all the paperwork. Then, the nurse came in to take her to the treatment room to get an IV started. That was terrible. They stuck her 3 times and couldn't get it in because she was so dehydrated, then they finally got it in. When the went to hook up the IV, the fluid wouldn't go in, so they had to try sticking her some more. Well, they got the IV fixed and she started getting fluids in her. She FINALLY drank some pedialyte and slept. She started peeing. You could tell she started feeling better. All Tuesday, she could have clear liquids. Wednesday, she got to start formula and solids. Well, everytime she ate, she would spit up, we ended up having to stay Wednesday night too. Well, Tuesday night, I slept in the crib with Kamryn. Where else was I supposed to sleep? They brought a pull out bed in there Wednesday night for me. She was slowly getting better Thursday and she finally started keeping stuff down. We got to go home last night. We got home between 8:30 and 9. It was so nice to be at home, in my own shower, and my own bed! Today, Kamryn is doing good. She has kept everything down. Addison and Logan stayed with Mimi and Papa all week and they finally came home today. It is nice to have my family back! Now, I just have to get back in the groove of things. I have laundry to do before tomorrow because JD leaves for Las Vegas tomorrow. Anyways, the timer just went off on the washer, so I need to get to it! Here is a picture of pitiful Kamryn in her hospital bed.

The white towel on her arm is to keep her from bending her arm and pulling out the IV.