Thursday, April 23, 2009

This week

Well, this week has been way out of the ordinary. I know I said that I wouldn't be blogging for a while, but stress makes me do things I say I won't.

Looking for a job is harder than I expected. I have filled out 8 applications the past 2 days. I have daycare lined up, but need a confirmation on a job to be able to put them in day care. Craziness!

I guess since I don't have any type of degree, I am not qualified for anything. IT sucks!!!

And, to top it off, our A/C is broken. And I'm not talking, can be fixed in an hour, broken. It is BROKEN!!! The guy came out today to look at it. He isn't sure what is going on, it needed coolant. It was on empty, so he was going to fill it, and the unit overheated. It was so bad, he had to put everything away and they have to come back tomorrow to try to fix it. If it still doesn't cool down tomorrow, he said most likely the compressor is bad. I'm not sure if the unit is still under warrenty, if now...WE'RE SCREWED!!! It is over 80 degrees in our house. I have been letting the kids run around in underwear, and I have on shorts and a t-shirt. I never wear shorts, I usually freeze, however, it is impossible to freeze in this house. Last night we had every fan turned on, and I didn't even use a sheet to cover up, that is sooo not normal. I even volunteered to let JD open the windows if it would cool the place down. I hate sleeping with windows open, because my allergies kill me. It is that bad, that I am overlooking my health just to cool down this house. How great for me!

So, I decided that we need to save some money around here. I called DISHNetwork today and downgraded our plan. Now, instead of the top 200 channels, we have the top 100 + local channels. I took one for the team! I should get a reward. With the downgrading, I ended up getting rid of the only channels I watch. Bye bye Soap network, discovery health, Lifetime movie network, and hallmark. =( BOO

Oh well, I am saving us almost $50 a month. Way to be frugal. With this being said, I need to go finish fixing the kids dinner, and figure out how to stay cool.

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