Friday, April 17, 2009

Boys vs. Girls

Well, this is about potty training. Let me start from when we started potty training Addison. We really started when she was 18 months old. That is pretty young, but I thought repetitive action would spark her curiosity and she would catch on. Boy was I wrong. Her 2nd birthday came and went, and still she wasn't potty trained. I was letting her wear her "big girl panties" and I would set the timer and every 30 minutes I would take her to the bathroom, and she would still have accidents. I fretted over this for a while, and I kept hearing, "It's okay, she will do it when she is ready." "Don't push her too hard." No matter how many times I heard these things, I still thought that it was something I was or was not doing right. Then, her 3rd birthday came and went, and I still thought she should be potty trained, but she really wanted nothing to do with it. She would do good for an hour or so, and the would be playing so hard, that she would forget. We found out I was pregnant again, so I really wanted her to be potty trained before the baby was born. To me, it felt like she would never be potty trained, and I would be That Mom, ya know, the one with the 9 year old still in diapers and still sucking her thumb. I also thought that Logan would end up being potty trained before Addison, and he was only 2. Well, it finally happend, She was about 3 1/2 and she woke up one day and said "Mommy, I want to wear big girl panties." So, I let her pick them out, and she did fine that day. She has been fine since then. Of course, all kids when they are starting out, have a few accidents. They are few and far between though, and I am content with that.
This brings me to the boy. I decided after the pressure we put on Addison, that I would not do the same with Logan. I guess that is what having more than one child is for. You learn what to do and not to do with the first one, and you do things different with the others. I never pressured him, yet I would let him come into the bathroom with me or Addison, just so he could see what we were doing and maybe it would spark some interest. Well, I guess it did. Logan just turned 3 last month, and the past 2 weeks or so, he has been making all the effort to be potty trained. He tells us he needs to go, and sometimes he does, and sometimes he doesn't. At least he is trying. Then, he woke up on Wednesday and wanted to start out in "big boy underwears." I gladly let him pick them out and put them on. He did great, no accidents whatsoever. We were getting ready to go to church Wednesday night, so I put an extra pair of pants and undies in the diaper bag and decided to try it out with him. Well, we made it to church, and he told me he needed to go to the bathroom. I let the nursery workers know that he didn't have on pull-ups, and that he might need a little coaching. I went upstairs with the bigger kids, and looked down into the playroom, and he was still dry. When I picked him up from the nursery, they said he told them when he needed to go. He was still dry!!! I was impressed with my little man. So, daddy told him that if he went all day Thursday with no accidents, he would take down his crib and put him in the big boy bed. (His crib turns into a toddler bed.) Well, daddy got home and Logan was still dry, so he got his big boy bed!
Now, I have 2 potty trained kids and 1 to go! It is such exciting news in our life! I never thought this day would come. Now, what do you think, those of you with experience, are boys easier to potty train than girls? I think so!

In his big boy bed
Loving his new bed!

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