Thursday, April 9, 2009

Not today...

Well, I did do a new hairstyle for Addison today, but It was just to keep her hair out of her face. However, the point of this blog is to advertise. I found a how-to on making these cute little hair thingy's. I thought to myself "Hey, I can do that!" So, I did. They are called hair coils. You fix your little girls hair, and then you stick one of these in there, and twist and it stays in place and looks like the "gem" or whatever is on it, is freestanding. They are so cute.. I am still in the process of perfecting mine, but Addison loves them. Anyways, If you know of a little girl or a mom who loves to do a little girls hair, pass this on, and I am more than happy to make some according to what you want (Color, size, and shape) and if anyone wants to buy them, email me, and I will tell you a price, based on what you want. Here are some pictures:

This is Addison's favorite.

The pictures didn't come out very well. These are pink gems and "diamond" gems.
The gems in the hair. They didn't work too well with Addison't hairstyle.
These are purple and pink beads with rhinestones on them.
These are the stars. Haven't put them in her hair yet.
What do you think?

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